Wireless technology represents the future of computer and internet connectivity.  A wireless network transmits information by radio and microwave signals. Other than the fairly obvious advantage of not having to faff around with cables there are numerous other advantages that wireless technology holds. Lets take a look at 4 wireless devices that can help you be more efficient, productive and connected.

Wireless Headsets:


If you work in an environment where you continuously take and make calls, such as a call centre, then being tied to your desk can be very frustrating. What’s more, it is unhealthy for you. By adopting a wireless headset, you aren’t stuck in the same position all day. You can get up, stretch your legs, move about and this not only gives you a bit of exercise, but it relieves the strain of the day. Wireless headsets increase production and create better time efficiency on each call because you will be able to look up the information you need while still on the call. Thus, a wireless headset will improve your satisfaction, as well as that of customers.

Wireless Acoustic Shock protection:

Soundshield wireless picture

If you are using a wireless headset on a regular basis it is vital that you protect yourself from Acoustic Shock and other possible hearing damage. The Soundshield Wireless is unique in this aspect. Offering you a wireless headset which comes with its previously mentioned benefits, the Soundshield device intelligently analyses sounds before they reach the ear of the headset user and removes any loud and high pitched sounds. This provides you with reassurance and comfort.

Wireless Keyboard and mouse:


Wireless keyboards and mice are a key player in improving office ergonomics. The lack of cables and wires helps you maintain the required distance between the screen and the seating. When the PC is not being used, these devices can easily be removed to supply more space. Furthermore, if you are a flexible worker, wireless keyboards and mice allow you to use them on more than one PC saving you space and money.

Wireless Printer:

When looking into the benefits of a wireless printer the lack of cables plays an important role. While a wired printer has limited placement options as it needs to be sat near a plug, a wireless printer has no such limitations. If office space is scarce then this is particularly attractive. Mobile printing is another great benefit as many wireless printers can be connected with any smartphone or tablet within the network. So if a meeting runs over, the weekly status report can quickly be printed on a different device.