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Have you ever been on the phone and struggled to hear what the agent was saying because of all the background noise?

Being on the phone to a call centre and getting drowned out by all the background noise is an unpleasant experience, especially if you find yourself constantly asking the agent to repeat themselves.

It gives off a poor impression of that company.

Source: Call Centre Helper website webinar poll
Sample size – 140

What would your customers say about your company?

Do your customers have difficulty hearing your staff? If so, ensure that you invest in noise cancelling headsets.

Noise cancelling technology has been engineered to improve the quality of call transmission by minimizing the ambient background noise that the remote caller hears.

Benefits of using Noise-Cancelling headsets:
• Improves customer experience.
• Reduces repetition for quicker call wrap up.
• Delivers high quality customer service.
• Increases levels of focus and productivity.
• Helps provide healthier noise environment.
• Healthier and happier staff.
• Reduces noise exposure sick days.

Updating your technology with noise-cancelling headsets gives you an immediate ROI by increasing your client care and ensuring that your agents perform at their peak efficiency.

Call us on 0118 920 9420 or email us at for the best prices or more information.

Our Top 3 Noise Cancelling Headsets

Polaris Soundpro Binaural Headset


Jabra Biz 2300 Binaural Headset


Plantronics Encore Pro Monaural Headset


All prices exclude VAT.
Discounts are available for multiple purchases.

Benefit from noise cancelling headsets.

Speak with our advisers today.

0118 920 9420